• Presentation of different training courses in the field of identification of precious & semi precious stones scientifically & practically with the formal degree awarded by Technical & Professional Organization
This institute presents different training courses as per different persons needs, such as complete course of 240 hours, compact courses, specialized courses, jewellery design and cutting precious stones. (for more information please refer to the training department in this site)
• Awarding international reliable degree in the field of identifying precious & semi precious stones confirmed by Labour & Social Affairs Ministry and Technical & Professional Organization
The last degree under the standard of 0-13/98/1/1 of Technical & Professional Organization is awarded to the students of this course who succeed in getting acceptable marks in concerned exam. This degree is internationally reliable and confirmed by most countries of the world. .
• Identifying tests of gems and issuing laboratory reports and certificates for precious & semi precious stones as per international standards
Because of equipped laboratory and necessary specialized ability in the field of identifying precious & semi precious stones in this institute, it is possible to identify and classify stones as per the international standards carefully, and the institute has issued valid certificates for different precious & semi precious stones so far..
Consulting, researching and executing exploratory designs on the precious & semi precious stones and industrial minerals
Highly specialized ability of this institute's specialists in the field of research activities and exploration of precious & semi precious stones has made it possible to offer the following services to the applicants: .
Consulting services in the field of recognition, exploration and extraction
Executive services of exploration and extraction
Design services of exploration and extraction
• Jewellery designing with the formal authorization of Cultural Inheritance Handicrafts & Tourism Organization
Regarding the improvement of jewellery industry in Mashhad and need to equip a jewellery design group, this institute has acted for the first time in the country and tried to supply the needs of jewellery units to design.
• Software facilities
Gemology & mineralogy books
-Scientific & training CDs provided in Institute of Asia Diamond
News & information site: WWW.GIAE-GEM.COM & WWW.GIAE.IR
• Laboratory facilities
- Equipped gemology laboratory including specialized equipments and facilities matching international standards
- Training workshop of gems cutting for the first time in::
- Handicrafts org.
- Prison of Mashhad